Emily Navarro's Website

My Portrait
My Portrait
My Portrait

Emily Navarro-Hernandez

Hey, I'm Emily Navarro-Hernandez, I was born and raised in Austin, Texas and I am going to be a sophmore in high school. I just turned 15 on May 26 and by far been my favorite birthday. My favorite sports are football and soccer, I am football manager for my high school's varsity team.

I know how to play 2 different intruments and I'm leanring how to play the acordeon. I love hanging with my friends and family, I don't have a lot but my little friend group is the best. I have 2 older sibling one sister and one half brother. I love watching movies and shows but love documentaries the most. My favorite music is latin music, I grew up listening to it but listening to any kind of music. I love to go on walks but its so hot here in Texas that I barely go on walks now.

I love traveling to different places. i travel the most to Mexico becuase I have lots of family there. I've gone to 9 different states; Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Mississippi, Illinois amd Indiana. My favorite drink is mango juice. I'm very hardworking, emotinally intelligent, and respectful. My first language is Spanish but my English is realy good.